Do You Want to Know a Secret?

 I brought in 2014 standing in Times Square, NYC and made my new years resolution. My 2014 resolution was to “Be Happy”. A simple thing to say, but not so easy to achieve. I mean, I wasn’t miserable in the slightest sense, but I was always bending over backwards to put other peoples happiness before my own and I really felt like I was standing still in my own life. A really great person in my life once said to me: “You have to have the starring role in your own life Simone!” and from that moment, I decided to chose happiness. I would seek happiness in every decision I made, in every action and every word I spoke. It is safe to say that for the first year ever, I can confirm that I followed through with my resolution. I am so happy with EVERY aspect: my work, my friends, my family, my relationship, my travel, my fitness and my life! I am happy.

Which leads me to a secret that I will reveal in the new year which has played a big part in my happiness this month! Although I can’t give too much away just yet, there are two words you have to remember- one is Rare and the second is Candy! For those who follow me on instagram, you may have seen posts lately with my amazing bright orange “Rare Candy” drink bottle? Well, over the next few weeks you will be seeing more of it! I can’t tell you exactly why just yet…but stay tuned! There is something in it for you too!



I'm in NZ!


Oh, What a Year.