HIIT Me Baby One More Time.

IMG_8090This mornings workout started with a HIIT session on my own. I had plans to meet up later with my client, Lauren, and her friend who would be joining us for a "Back" weights session. I loved getting a text message last night from Lauren asking if she could bring a friend who is thinking of joining the gym. I could not have been more excited about this!Of course- my main goal is to inspire and motivate people to get on board the fitness and healthy living lifestyle, so I was ecstatic that Lauren was reaching out and motivating her friends also.My HIIT session was as follows:

  • 100x skipping
  • 20x burpees
  • 50x mountain climbers
  • 40x ab bikes
  • 40x scissor kicks (on bench)
  • 20x straight leg jackknivesREPEAT x4

By this stage I was sweaty and gross but ready to attack my back muscles with Lauren and her friend. We completed the exercises by completing 3 sets of 12 reps and then rotating stations. As there was 3 of us, it would have taken far too long even to super set.Back Weights Session:

  • Assisted chin ups
  • wide grip lat pull downs
  • seated rows
  • reverse grip lat pull downs
  • bent over barbell rows
  • bent over dumbbell rows
  • seated reverse flys

IMG_7811It was a great session and the girls did really well. I am looking forward to hitting up a spin class later today- I can't remember the last time I did a group fitness class and since I'm on holidays I can make the session time!Have a great day!


Eating Well When Eating Out!


Treadmill, Bis & Tris.