The Force of Habit.

IMG_0406So you've reached your goal weight and need help staying on the fitness band wagon?!You used to be motivated by the drop of kgs on the scales or the lose fitting clothing but now you have reached a safe and healthy BMI and need motivation beyond that, to keep at it!So what does the research say about successful weight-management efforts?IMG_0403According to the National Weight Control Registry, USA (NWCR) the following lifestyle modification strategies are the most commonly used among people who have been successful in sustaining their weight-management efforts for one year or more.1. Engaging in regular amounts of physical activity, at least one hour a day2. Eating a low-calorie, low-fat diet3. Eating breakfast daily4. Self-monitoring body weight regularly5. Maintaining a consistent eating pattern every day, on both weekdays and weekends.What if you're doing all of these things and you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a healthy weight...but finding that you are lacking the positivity and excitement towards training, that you used to have! I can help.1. Set rewards for yourself, not food! - After recording 50 workouts in my diary, I will treat myself to a new Lorna Jane workout clothing piece.- For every month that I hit my training target (number of times I go to the gym, number of PBs smashed, heavier weight challenges, longest distance ran etc) I will have a massage.IMG_76182. Allow yourself a "relaxed workout week".- Now this does not mean that you do not train all week, it means that you can engage in exercise that you love to do, rather than what you know works best for your body. This could be an indoor beach volleyball game, yoga, jogging a favourite beach path etc. One week shouldn't effect you too much and might be just what your body needs to want to train like usual once again. Shake it up as needed.3. Write a list of pros and consList all the reasons why you love to workout and live a healthy lifestyle. You will find that by now, it is not JUST about the weight loss but about the increased amount of energy, the "you" time exercise allows, the challenges and sense of achievement, the way it makes your body feel and look etc.Honestly though- do whatever it takes for you to stay motivated! Don't beat yourself up over one missed workout or a lack of effort during a session...just do what you gotta do to pick yourself up and get back into it! Trust me, the hardest part was starting so you do not want to have to start all over again! Now get to it!


Food Preppin' like a Boss.


Motivation to start VS. Motivation to Continue.