Arms Day is the Way.
Below is the workout that I completed this morning for "Arms Day". Although I don't usually train bis and tris together, with a shortened workout week for me due to travelling, I put the two together. With that being said, training bi's and tri's together today actually felt better than training them alone because I could do supersets to take each muscle to complete exhaustion. I haven't included my weights as we will all be at different stages in our weight lifting journeys. A good pump is the best way to know whether you're getting a good workout. Arm day is the way!
REST: 30-60secs between sets
SUPERSET #1: (4sets x 12 reps)Standing biceps curls with dumbbells Triceps push-downs SUPERSET #2: (4sets)21 method curls with barbellTricep kickbacks on bench with dumbbellsSUPERSET #3: (4sets x 15 reps)EZ-bar bicep curls, reverse gripSeated tricep overhead extensions with dumbbellSUPERSET #4: (4sets x 20 reps)Hammer curls with dumbbellsOverhead cable tricep extensions with rope