Healthy Snacking.



I've had a number of emails over the past few weeks asking for my advice about healthy snacking options. To be honest, I eat six meals a day so "snacking" isn't really a part of my routine. Because I eat so regularly, I'm not often hungry as I feel as though I'm always eating!However, there are those odd times when I crave something not part of my meal plan. Usually, there is a reason for wanting to snack! Whether it be  boredom, avoiding doing something you don't want to do, lacking appropriate nutrition, diets that cut out whole food groups etc. But that is a whole other kettle of fish. If you feel like snacking, perhaps ask yourself why you are "hungry"! Usually you will realise that you are not hungry and in fact snacking for one or several of the above reasons.However, if you can't curb the cravings, I have thrown together a list of healthy snacks that won't do too much harm if you cave. Check out the options below.

- 1/2 roasted sweet potato (sliced into chips)
-  1 mug of miso soup
-. 2 squares Old Gold chocolate
- Cup of tea (fruit flavoured if you are craving something sweet!)
- Banana
- 1/3 cup oats with honey and berries
- 10 almonds
- Protein Balls
- 1x serve of peanut butter on 2x rice cakes
- 1x protein shake
- greek yoghurt
- carrot, cucumber, capsicum sticks with homemade hommus
- cottage cheese & chives on rice cakes or with carrot sticks
- 1/4 avocado & pepper on rice crackers


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