Are you with me in 2017?
Ok- how many of you are using this week between Christmas and New Year to set new goals for 2017? Perhaps you've fallen off the gains train by skipping some training sessions lately or eaten yourself silly and decided to wait until the New Year to get into routine? We are all guilty of this, but it is not necessarily a bad plan. The thing that concerns me most with this, is that so many people set such massive and at times, unrealistic goals for the new year. Goals or challenges that without serious discipline and motivation, end up becoming a one-week change and then it's back to the previous years mindset and routine. You can relate? Relax, you're not alone. No one gets everything 100% right 100% of the time. Now I’m not saying that giving up on your resolution is A-OK, I’m just making the point that I may be able to help you. We can smash our 2017 goals together and keep each other accountable!In 2017 I will be running a FREE, ONLINE, completely OPTIONAL monthly challenge. All you have to do is:1. Follow me on instagram (@simonemckennablog) and on my blog ( in order to read the monthly challenge which will be posted 2-3 days prior to the 1st of each month.2. Pledge your commitment by commenting with your name on my blog + by using the allocated hashtag when posting photos on instagram. This is a greta way to stay accountable and to allow a community of likeminded individuals to network through health and fitness.3. Stay strong!
Unlike a New Years Resolution, these are short-term monthly challenges. I mean, we can do anything for 30 days right? Each challenge will have a variety of different skill levels to choose from as I realise we all have different abilities, goals & circumstances. They are all completely optional and you can choose as many or as few to commit to as you like! For example perhaps January's challenge suits you but February is too difficult as you are going on a cruise/holiday etc or you may already be doing one of the challenges and therefore it isn't anything new! That's all good, my goal is to be an avenue of inspiration and offer suggestions on how in small steps, we can reach December of 2017 being a lot more healthy and active than when we started!Ready to get started?JANUARY'S CHALLENGE WILL BE POSTED ONLINE & ON MY INSTAGRAM ON THURSDAY 29TH DECEMBER!