This is 19 Weeks Pregnant.


Baby is the size of a mango. I’d be lying if I wasn’t concerned about my baby being born looking like one... I’ve probably eaten my body weights worth of mangoes in the last few weeks.
NUTRITION: not too much to update you with, still loving my usual foods, except now I need ketchup on everything apparently! I’ve turned into my husband. Oh & I’m hungry ALLLLL the time. Like “I’m so full” after eating dinner then I’m ready to eat again after I’ve done the dishes! Luckily I’ve perfected my “nice cream” recipe which makes me feel like I’m getting a treat, when I’m really fueling my body with all the best nutrition!
FITNESS: still keeping up with my typical workout programs & walking 2-4 miles a day. I have added in a weekly prenatal yoga session with my Bumps & Bubs group. (Are you expecting this year? You should join us... it’s free!) This is really fun & supportive community too, especially when it basically formed out of nothing! I’m loving all the book recommendations & “must have” product advice from these girls. I’m learning A LOT!

I’m still feeling energetic & very much myself at this point which I am not taking for granted at all! I know so many struggle or feel sick & I just think they’re wonder women! I’m just thanking my lucky stars that it’s not me- I’m a giant baby myself when I feel off! So my question for you this week is... do you think pregnancy symptoms, cravings etc can help determine your baby’s gender?


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