4 Ways to Set Yourself Up for Success.
1. Laid out my workout clothes for each day of the week. When I wake for my early morning workout, I simply brush my teeth, throw on my clothes, chug my muscle mimosa & race out the door. I laid out outfits that I know fit me and that are comfy so there is no need for decisions or changing each morning.
2. Prepped majority of my lunches and all our dinners for the week. I told my sweat squad last week that I feel like I have my breakfast and dinners under control with nutritious and delicious meals. My lunches and snacks, not so much! So this week I prepped them, so I have little room for error. TIP: choose meals and foods you love & make you feel good.
3. Wrote down my OUTPUT & OUTCOME goals. Output goals are those that I can control. ie: workout 5days/wk. Outcome goals are things that may happen because of my output. ie: fat loss, inches lost etc
4. Told my husband and accountability buddies about my “4Me” project. Not only did I write them down, I voiced them to those around me so that I have a level of accountability but also a level of excitement. By talking to others about my goals, I (without knowing it) encouraged them to rethink or clarify their own goals.