Let us Make Meal Times Easier!
As a Certified Personal Trainer & Nutritionist, it’s imperative that my meals are healthy and wholesome. As a mom and business owner, they have to fit the “simple and fast” category too.
Juggling motherhood, a business and daily life became so stressful & when talking to my friends and clients, they expressed that they too felt the same. Too often I heard busy women saying that they were eating out regularly because of lack of time & energy. Whether it be food delivery services for work lunches, drive-thru on the way home after kids sports practices, or opting for grocery store frozen meals as a “fast fix” for hungry mouths. Not only are these options putting their health and waistline at risk when done frequently, but they are expensive and in many cases take just as much time (if not more) than what it would take to cook a simple meal at home. And so, I got to work. I knew I could accommodate healthy, family friendly meals without spending a chunk of our day slaving away in the kitchen.
And so Meal Prep Menus was created. A recipe portal that provides instructions on how to prepare meals for the week ahead in minimal time with automated shopping lists with smart grocery pickup or delivery options.
I’m on a mission to help break the stigma that Meal Prep is time consuming, difficult & boring.