Is 'Fit' the New Fashion?
During the week I had the most interesting conversation with a friend and I just can’t stop thinking about a comment she made. We were discussing the launch of my new website and how the popularity of being fit and healthy has become somewhat a new trend. She made the comment that during the week even her dad had even noted that a lot of people were joining gyms, focusing on clean eating and getting fit as the new “fashion.”I got so excited by this statement and it made me think about the reality of fit as a fashion. How great would it be in many years to come when my future children ask me what the fashion was when I was younger, that I could comment - being healthy! Especially when I think back to my parents’ generation and they would say wearing pipe leg jeans and cheese cloth material midriffs (for women only of course haha) and smoking cigarettes. That’s right, cigarettes were such a trend! Even now when watching older movies, it is evident how much of a fashion trend smoking was.
Now-a-days it is all about your style of eating and the way in which you train. The content specific language of paleo, clean eating, raw foods, organic, cross-fit, IIFMM, lifting (just to name a few) have become a part of our every day language and I love it! It seems as though every second person is competing or on their own fitness/ health journey. Cafes and restaurants are even following the trend with many advertising “raw” or “organic” products and listing calories next to menu items. I actually noticed last time I was doing our food shop that packaged goods are getting on board too by advertising that it is a “sometimes food” and should be supplemented with daily exercise- some even providing work out ideas or fun activities on the outside of the box.
Activities such as boating and water sports, paddle boarding, indoor trampoline centers and heated yoga classes are becoming increasingly popular past times, dates, catch-ups and hang out spots. Holidays aren’t even an excuse to indulge anymore with many agencies advertising “active packages” at exotic yoga retreats, beach breaks, surf schools and outdoor training camps.Is fit the new fashion? This is such an exciting thought. Could our generation be the ones to set the tone for the future? Can we make being healthy and fit the norm, or better yet, the fashion?