A Sunday Well Spent.
Firstly, THANK YOU!I am so overwhelmed and humbled by the amount of followers and friends that have sent their best wishes for my recovery. Thanks to everyone who has come to visit and been so patient with me.This week has been 100% better than the last and I am slowly getting stronger and more confident on my feet. In fact, I even left the house on Saturday thanks to some gorgeous girlfriends who helped my hobble into a cafe for a much needed coffee and catch up!On Wednesday I met with my surgeon who was very pleased with the surgery and progress so far. He cut off my softer cast and bandages and replaced them with smaller bandaid type covers over the wounds. The stitches are dissolvable and shouldn't take too much longer to heal. He also put spacers between my toe to stop the pin from moving and to support my toes as there is now no padding within the velcro boot. I am still unable to shower properly and unable to get my feet wet for another week until the spacers and new bandage has been taken off. I must admit it is a bit more tricky to stand up and hobble about now that the padding and bandages have been removed as the boot feels so hard and rough on my incisions but at least I can put a pair of stretchy socks over my feet- I was constantly freezing before!
So this week I filled my time by organising, planning and booking my girlfriends hens day, completing some PT study, watching the odd movie with mum and had many of my friends and family come and visit too. I was so lucky- my work colleagues (who double as my close friends) also surprised me by stopping in after their work day which boosted my mood and allowed me to catch up on everything that I am missing out on at school.On Saturday morning, I got crazy and ventured out of the house for the first time (other than to the doctors surgery) to join my "muscle sisters" at a local cafe for a coffee and catch up. It was so nice to get out of the house, get some fresh air and be continually entertained by some of the most fun (not to mention the fittest) girls in my area. They know how much I am missing the gym and it was so nice to hear them doing so well and fabulous to see their amazing progress and transformations even in the short amount of time since I saw them last. Mum came to pick me up after an hour as I was ready to put my feet up once again, it had been quite strenuous really! I had two of my nearest and dearest friends come over in the afternoon to visit ,followed by my amazing BF who came round to take me back to his apartment and cook me my favorite dinner- chicken, broccoli and baked sweet potato.I still have a long way to go- tied to these moon boots for another 4 weeks until I meet with my surgeon again for an x-ray and my next post-op check up. I'm hoping at this appointment he will let me adjust to shoes for a few weeks and then let me go back to work before the whole term is over. But I know I need to just be patient, listen to the professionals and trust the process. With every day I am feeling more steady in the boots and can't wait until the day comes when standing or hobbling (even just to the toilet) won't feel like the biggest mission!
I just feel so incredibly lucky to be surrounded by such supportive, caring and positive people. I know spending time with me at the moment is a total bore as I can't do much at all. I really appreciate all the time people are giving up to spend with me sitting on the couch. I'll be back bigger and better than ever (and with ankles haha) in no time at all!