3 Tips to Transform Your Body, Mind and Life

Self Care

Most of you know that I help busy women & moms to develop sustainable & healthy routines. I do so by providing fast & effectively workouts that they can do at home or in the gym PLUS I share simple recipes that the entire family will eat and enjoy.

While most women sign up with me to lose weight, tone up or learn how to workout, we also work hard on training our mind so that we become more positive & confident to show up as our best selves. When you love yourself, you are a better wife, mother, sister, friend, colleague… am I right?

And, it has become so much more than the physical and emotional transformations too! Joining our supportive community of like minded women has become so powerful (especially during these times). We keep each other focused, accountable, motivated and inspired, plus we share some funny memes, egg each other on & ask for all sorts of tips and advice too!

Here are 3 tips that I share with all my clients to help them transform their body, mind and life!
💖Share Positive Affirmations with YOURSELF: every day when you wake up, look at yourself in the mirror and comment about something specific that you love about yourself. It doesn’t have to be just physical appearance either. It could be a personality trait, an accomplishment, anything!
💖Practice daily gratitude: each day, write down 1-3 things that you are grateful for. They don’t have to be big things, just anything and everything. It’s amazing how soon we start to find the good in everything & everyone!
💖Allow yourself to Rest & Recharge. We are busy women and mommas wearing all the hats. It important that we eat well majority of the time so that our body can function at it’s best (But that doesn’t mean we give up pizza night or wine!) BUT, it’s equally important to allow ourselves some downtime to practice self care and relaxation. So yes ladies… that means a glass of wine in the tub is your homework.🍷🛀🏻

Which of these do you struggle with the most?




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